Monday 28 July 2008

I am a Blogger

If you'd told me ten years ago that one day I'd become a blogger, I'd have said "wha?". But here I am. Apparently if I write it they will read it. So welcome bloggees. Welcome to my Thought Shed. In the coming decades you'll be able to hear and enjoy my views on everything from politics to culture, via media, food, science and space exploration. All the big issues, plus some of the fringier ones too. Buckle your seatbelts.


Anonymous said...

What have you got against nuns?

Brett said...

Unless you provide a running commentary of the trials and tribulations of a single girl trying to make it in the big city, I'm not interested...

Anonymous said...

...and I fully expect this to be dramatised on 'Women's Hour' by the spring, followed deftly by the sequel 'nunbaiting'